Monday, October 1, 2007

Cavalli does H&M??!!

Yes its true. Roberto Cavalli is ready to introduce the masses to his jet-setting indulgent lifestyle and new collection. Cavalli has teamed up with H&M to create a glamour party collection which features a mix of long and short evening looks for women. Believe it or not the collection is actually affordable with party gowns priced from $129 to $349 and this is for Roberto Cavalli!! The collection totals 25 women's pieces which includes lingerie and matching accessories. I know what your thinking...this is heaven!! I mean, WELCOME TO THE GOOD LIFE!! And men Cavalli has something for you as well. Cavalli's mens line will feature 20 pieces with accessories as well. Because Cavalli is the first Italian designer to do a collaboration with H&M the party was insane. Think beautiful women, think spacious and lavishly decorated mansion in Florence, Italy and then you will begin to get the picture. "I love freedom and challenges: breaking down barriers, experimenting in different directions," said Cavalli. "H&H is all this for me. I'm adding a dash of festivity and dreams." Look for the Cavalli for H&M campaign in magazines, newspapers, outdoor ads and television earcgnly next month!

Photographed by Terry Richardson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cristalle - get me back my damn cards.